September 2020 Children's & Young Adult General Titles

No Fear Shakespeare Illustrated

Hamlet (No Fear Shakespeare Graphic Novels) SparkNotes, illustrated by Neil Babra

No Fear Shakespeare Illustrated

Hamlet (No Fear Shakespeare Graphic Novels)
SparkNotes, illustrated by Neil Babra

Paperback (Trade paperback US) | Oct 2020 | SparkNotes | 9781411479876 | 216pp | 228x152mm | GEN | AUD$19.99, NZD$22.99

Read Hamlet in graphic-novel form — with NO FEAR! 
Based on the No Fear Shakespeare translations, this dynamic graphic novel — now with colour added — is impossible to put down. The illustrations are distinctively offbeat, slightly funky, and appealing to teens.
- An illustrated cast of characters
- A helpful plot summary
- Illustrations that show the reader exactly what's happening in each scene — making the plot and characters clear and easy to follow

'...makes the Bard even more accessible...its clear, black-and-white scenes often shifting into a stark, expressionistic mode that heightens the drama. Along with a nicely digestible version of the play, this will give readers a feel for Shakespeare's language and wordplay.' — Booklist