The Heartbeat of the Land

Cathy Freeman, with Coral Vass, illustrated by Tannya Harricks

Age range: 3+Cathy ran barefoot every day across the great ancient land,as her people had done for sixty thousand years before.And when she ran, she could hear the heartbeat of the land.Ba Boom Ba ...

Larrikin House


Alan Fyfe
Transit Lounge
9780648414032, Paperback, AUD$29.99

Bon and Lesley

Shaun Prescott
Giramondo Publishing
9781922725257, Paperback, AUD$29.95

Thank You Rain!

Sally Morgan, illustrated by Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr
Magabala Books
9781922613646, Hardback, AUD$27.99

When the Waterhole Dries Up

Kaye Baillie, illustrated by Max Hamilton
Windy Hollow Books
9780645518733, Paperback, AUD$18.99
9781922081971, Hardback, AUD$25.99