Local Picture Books New Frontier Publishing

Sarah's Heavy Heart Peter Carnavas, illustrated by Peter Carnavas

Sarah's Heavy Heart
Peter Carnavas, illustrated by Peter Carnavas

Paperback | Jan 2020 | New Frontier | 9781921928062 | GEN | AUD$14.99, NZD$18.99
Hardback | Nov 2011 | New Frontier | 9781921928109 | 32pp | 148x148mm | GEN
Hardback | Apr 2009 | New Frontier | 9781921042058 | 36pp | 245x245mm | GEN | AUD$14.99, NZD$18.99


Sarah knew the heart would always be hers to carry. She just wished it wasn't so heavy.

A magical story about a little girl's search for friendship and love. Follow Sarah on her journey and let your heart get 'carried away'.