April 2017 Academic & Specialist University of Minnesota Press


Of Sheep, Oranges, and Yeast: A Multispecies Impression Julian Yates

Paperback | May 2017 | University of Minnesota Press | 9781517900670 | 368pp | 216x140mm | RFB | AUD$44.99, NZD$54.99
Hardback | May 2017 | University of Minnesota Press | 368pp | 215x139mm | RFB

Bringing together conversations in animal studies, plant studies, ecotheory, and biopolitics, Julian Yates crafts scripts for literary and historical study that embrace the fact that we come into being through our relations to other animal, plant, fungal, microbial, viral, mineral, and chemical actors. What emerges is a methodology that fundamentally alters what it means to read in the twenty-first century.