Picture These SAT Words!, 4th edition
Philip Geer, Susan Geer

Ace the SAT Reading and Writing and Language Tests with help from this collection of humorous cartoons that focus on words and their meanings. Discover 300 cartoons with visual puns, cartoons with a target word, definition, and pronunciation, a bonus unit that teaches the most frequently occurring words on recent SAT tests, and more. Included are: 

  • 300 cartoons with visual puns that serve as memory aids related to each word's meaning
  • Cartoons that come with a target word, its definition and pronunciation, and sample sentences that show how the word is used
  • Sentence completion exercises following every set of 12 cartoons to reinforce retention
  • New to this edition is a section called Meet the Stars!, a bonus unit that teaches the most frequently occurring words on recent SAT tests

"This workbook would be a good choice especially for students who are visual learners and for high school libraries" Christine Sanderson, VOYA.